Deli's Ark

Hand Stripping 

Professional hand stripping specialising on Border Terriers is a very popular service. Experience in showing and show grooming to get the optimum look, or just to make them comfortable. No clippers used, everything is done by hand to achieve the best finish.
Generally wire haired dogs may only need stripping twice a year depending on coat. Prices start from £30, this includes nails cutting, a general health check and to finish off a relaxing massage. All of this is done in a calm homely environment with experienced people on site. No cages or harsh methods used, only positive reinforcement techniques for the nervous or aggressive types of dog.
Plenty of break times for your companion as hand stripping can take a few hours to complete and we do not like to stress the dog. During this time we give toilet breaks, play time and get to know your companion better helping to give your companion a stress free and enjoyable experience.
Tuitions are also available on a one to one basis, to enable you to strip your own dog with confidence. This half a day workshop costs £70, so for the willing and able this service is well worth the time and money.

Cairn Terrier
Irish Terrier X
Norfolk Terrier
Lucas Terrier
Border Terrier part way through a hand strip
Border Terrier part way through a hand strip

Progression of coat growth over 5 months.
